So now it's my turn to throw some fuel on the inferno. I am preparing to move, and I've begun some cleaning to get the house ready. I have been constantly receiving Yellow Pages (from 3 providers) for 5 years, and I've never once used one. And I've never once thrown them away. In fact, for the past 3 years, I've left them to pile up on the screened-in front porch. Yellow Pages delivery folk just kept dropping them on top of books from previous years. My porch was getting a little crowded.
Well, no more! I took all my YP from the porch and from inside the house and deposited them in the recycling bin. With the YP from 3 sources (YP, Verizon and Dex) and a few White Pages tossed in there for fun, I had over 20 phone books and a brimming recycling bin. I present to you:
Wow, I've been really lazy for these last 5 years. I need to unsubscribe from these guys. Of course, we know that won't work.